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Stay Home Stay Healthy

March 26, 2020

To Our Valued Business Partners:

Together, we face the unprecedented challenge that COVID-19 has put on our individual lives, our organizations, our community, and our nation. We thank you for the personal and work sacrifices that you have adopted.

The purpose of this letter is to communicate how SuperGraphics qualifies as an essential business by supporting essential business services and how we plan to execute operations during the Stay Home Stay Healthy work mandate.

First, SuperGraphics is an essential supplier to organizations that play a direct role in servicing those most affected by COVID-19. This includes industries like Healthcare, Homeless Services, and Non-Profits.

Second, we service organizations that have been deemed essential services providers by the state. These include Communications, Construction, and Retail Grocery.

To service these essential business channels, our production team will be in Stand-By Operations mode. Essential jobs will be scheduled to be produced as soon as possible.

We are open for business. Our entire customer service and design teams are available to work from home for consultation, quotes, pre-press, and proofing. Please contact this team through your SuperGraphics representative. We will have your project ready to go once the Stay Home Stay Health precaution has lifted.

Within our organization, we stress the importance and the requirement of following the United States Department of Labor’s Guidance on Preparing Workplaces for COVID-19, for social distancing, frequent hand washing and monitoring personal health, including the mandate to stay home if you feel sick.

We are confident we can get through this together and appreciate the commitment and business you bring to SuperGraphics every day.


Reid Baker



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